The latest surgical methods of obesity treatment in Turkey 2022

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People who have been suffering from obesity for any reason are not satisfied with it. Their only concern has become to get rid of obesity and all the obstacles that accompany it and to enjoy a normal, smooth life without embarrassment. Therefore, with the accelerating scientific progress, the latest surgical methods of obesity treatment have appeared in Turkey  .

Negative effects of obesity

There is no doubt that the negative effects of obesity are so many that it has become the disease of the age, and the negative effects of obesity are divided into two parts:

Organic Effects of Obesity:

Vital functions of all body systems are affected by obesity and excess weight as a result of the accumulation of fat cells and the high level of cholesterol in the blood, which leads to blockage of veins and arteries, disruption of the work of heart valves and high risk to blood clots. Degeneration in the joints and an increase in back pain. If we want to talk about the respiratory system affected by excessive obesity, the person’s difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, and the accompanying difficulty in falling asleep and feeling tired, is the best evidence of that.

Psychological and cosmetic effects of obesity:

Excessive obesity may cause embarrassment for many people, especially women, and this embarrassment is accompanied by psychological pressure and depression as a result of the emergence of obesity as an annoying obstacle to the normal practice of women and men’s lives due to the accumulation of fat cells on different areas of the human body.

The latest surgical methods of obesity treatment in Turkey

The treatment method usually turns to the direct cause of obesity to try to remove it or resist it with different therapeutic methods with the least possible side effects, and we will review together the most important of these surgical methods of obesity treatment in Turkey:
It is necessary to point out that surgical intervention for the treatment of obesity comes when the patient fails to lose weight for three serious attempts with diet and exercise, so the surgical intervention comes as a final solution to the obesity problem. The surgical treatment of obesity is based on scientific bases related to the human weight and the weight of the excess fat mass. This intervention is usually carried out if the body mass is 40 or more, but if the obese patient has complications and health problems such as diabetes for adults, then surgical intervention is performed if the patient’s body mass is 35 or more. There are three types of surgical treatment for obesity, and the type of surgery is chosen after discussing the options between the patient
And the surgeon, and there are factors that help determine the type of surgery, such as the patient’s age, health condition, complications of obesity, body mass, the presence of previous obesity operations, the surgeon’s experience, and the choice and desire of the patient.

First method:

It works to control the amount of food a person eats by accelerating his sense of satiety by pressing the stomach with a belt that connects to the stomach to reduce its expansion. The gastric band surgery is suitable for young patients with low body mass (35-40) who are in good health without any complications of obesity and have a high determination to adhere to diet and exercise.

Second method:

It is known as the process of reducing the stomach or cutting the stomach as a final solution to the problem of expansion suffered by the obese patient, which leads to the failure of all attempts to follow diet programs, and this method works to determine the amount of fat absorption from eating.

Third method:

Laparoscopic surgery, the hospital stay usually ranges from one to five days, after which the patient adheres to a diet based on liquids, ground foods, and soft foods for four to six weeks. During this period, it is noted that the body weight decreases rapidly and the weight continues to drop, with the need for continuous follow-up with the team of specialized doctors who supervised the operation. Otherwise, neglect may expose the patient to serious problems that are indispensable. This method is suitable for the elderly and those with heavy weights. As for patients who suffer from complications of obesity such as diabetes, and patients with weak will towards diets, it is better to perform a gastric reduction and transfer Intestine.

We would like to point out that it is normal for some side effects of obesity surgical treatment to occur, like any other surgical procedure, but by comparison with the impressive and satisfactory results obtained by the obese patient, they are almost negligible, but the severe and rapid decrease in weight, which is estimated at about 50% of the patient’s weight, may expose the patient For some symptoms such as stones in the bile ducts and lack of various vitamins.

Other ways to treat obesity in Turkey

Playing sports

Exercising leads to an increase in the consumption of calories in the body and an increase in the metabolic rate in the body, thus losing weight with tightening the muscle system, which gives a harmonious appearance to the human body. In addition to that, it burns carbohydrates and fats in a positive and effective way, especially if it is accompanied by a diet regimen. It also gives exercise a sense of satisfaction, relieves anxiety and tension, increases self-confidence, and gives motivation to pursue weight loss. It also regulates heart rate and blood pressure and increases sensitivity to Insulin thus lowers blood glucose.
Examples of aerobic exercises are abdominal exercises, upper and lower extremity exercises, zumba, salsa, swimming, walking, using a stationary bike and other useful sports.


There are many drugs in pharmacies to lose weight, but very few of them have been approved for the treatment of obesity that require a prescription and are recommended for weight loss, as it is recommended to take medicines as part of a comprehensive treatment program and not as a sole means to lose weight and treat obesity, and of course it has side effects such as Dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, insomnia, diarrhea, various disorders of the digestive system.

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