All you need to know about in vitro fertilization (IVF)

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IVF is the last hope for the infertile couple who did not have children after a difficult and painful physically and psychologically long-term treatment. Turkey is famous for this type of treatment, which is scientifically called the in-vitro fertilization process, and it is one of the successful operations in which modern technologies are used.

Steps of in-vitro fertilization (IVF)

The process of IVF is an artificial insemination process outside the womb, where we select a good egg from the woman and a healthy sperm from the man to be fertilized in an outer tube to create a better environment and a stronger opportunity for reproduction that was not available in the mother’s womb for many reasons such as Obstruction in the fallopian tubes, advanced age of women, various fibroids, migratory endometriosis, weak and low sperm in men and other various reasons for delayed childbearing on both sides. The process of artificial insemination is carried out according to the following steps:
1- The stage before the in-vitro fertilization process, which is based on conducting a number of initial tests to know the success rate of the process and whether it is useful for the case or not. The woman undergoes a number of tests, including tests to determine the quality of her ovaries, the size of the eggs and their readiness for vaccination, and analyzes of a number of hormones necessary for the fertilization process, and the man is also subjected to a number of tests that show the quality and number of sperms and their quality. If the tests are positive we move on to the later stages.
2- Increasing the productivity of eggs, as the process of IVF is a very expensive, difficult and complex process, so it is difficult to perform it on one egg, and as it is known, it is normal for a woman’s ovary to release one egg per month, so doctors perform a process of stimulating the ovary through steroids to produce a number of eggs. During this period, the woman visits the specialist doctor to follow up on the degree of ovulation through an ultrasound examination.
3- The stage of retrieval of eggs prepared for fertilization, and a sample of sperm from the husband is withdrawn and placed in a sterile box, and this is determined by the specialist doctor in cooperation with the anesthesiologist.
4- The stage of sorting valid eggs and fertilization is done by one of two options, either ICSI or conventional insemination. The embryos are closely followed up by the embryologist.
5- The stage of transferring the embryos from the incubator to the uterus, on the fifth day of the transfer process, when the embryos reach the embryo stage, and this process takes very little time, about five minutes, and does not require anesthesia.
6- The pregnancy test stage, which is done two weeks after the embryo transfer stage.

Tips for a successful VIF

  • Strictly follow the doctor’s advice and take the ovarian stimulating injection in the quantity specified by the doctor and at the time specified for it, and the doctor must be followed up and visited without laziness at precise specific dates.
  • Refrain from smoking or alcoholic beverages, as this affects both sperm and its integrity.
  • Performing ICSI at an early age for women, as the older the woman, the lower the IVF success rate.
  • Performing a diagnosis of the uterus by laparoscopy in cases where the woman does not suffer from a specific problem that led to the delay in pregnancy, as the diagnostic hysteroscopy helps to wash the lining of the uterus, which increases the success rates of the IVF process.
  • It is the opportunity of a lifetime, so it is recommended to review the most qualified and well-known doctors in this field to achieve high success rates, as well as to resort to centers and hospitals that have the latest technologies used in the IVF process, and also have an Imperioscope nursery, which is characterized by its spaciousness and the presence of monitoring cameras for fetuses throughout the day.
  • In the event of a failure of the ICSI process, the causes must be known and analyzed to be bypassed in the subsequent attempt.
  • Doctors recommend embryo freezing, as a substitute in case the operation fails the first time.

Factors affecting the success of VIF

1- The wife’s age, the more the woman’s age is less than thirty-five, the greater her chances of pregnancy, while these chances decrease significantly at the age of forty years, and they are completely absent once they reach the forty-five years of age; Where the eggs are reduced a lot and their quality weakens during this age stage. As for a man, his fertility level remains stable at this age and does not begin to decline until after a while, when his testosterone production decreases and sperm numbers and quality are affected.
2- There is no specific number for the success rate of the IVF operation, no matter how skilled the doctor is, and the hospital is highly equipped and prepared in terms of the techniques necessary for the success of this operation, because each case has its own circumstances that affect the possibility of pregnancy or not.
3- The success rate of the IVF operation from the first time is small, which means that two thirds of the cases have had to repeat the attempt again or more than that.
4- A recent study showed that the vitality of the frozen embryos and eggs is not less than the quality of the new embryos. On the contrary, the frozen embryos may be more tolerant in some cases. Doctors advise women who want to postpone their pregnancy beyond the age of thirty-five to freeze their eggs at an early age, as They have a better chance of developing fetuses in the future and having a healthy baby.

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