The best teeth whitening methods in Turkey 2022

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The healthy appearance of the teeth reflects the health of the body in general, and also reflects the personality of the person, how much he cares about his external appearance, and the impression of the surrounding environment that deals with him, negatively or positively, because The brighter the smile , the greater the person’s self-confidence and feeling comfortable in dealing with others, but there are some bad habits that lead to a change in the color of the teeth and the appearance of various pigmentations that are often embarrassing, so people resort to the best methods of teeth whitening, and in Turkey this medical-cosmetic field has taken great interest in following up on the latest methods in the field of teeth whitening.

The best teeth whitening methods in Turkey 2022

Teeth whitening in the specialized clinic

Teeth whitening is defined as the process in which the dentin layer of the tooth is cleaned, on which various pigmentation has accumulated, leading to a change in the color of the teeth.

All teeth whitening treatments are done only after a prior visit to the dentist, who assesses the patient’s situation and determines the appropriate method for teeth whitening, Where the doctor examines the condition of the tissues in the mouth and the position of the teeth themselves, it is not possible to start the teeth whitening treatment until after the completion of the treatment of cavities and filling the cavities and after cleaning the tartar and removing the external stains from the teeth, and the treatment of teeth whitening is done in the clinic by bleaching substance, a chemical called peroxide Hydrogen is applied to the patient’s teeth. This substance begins working on teeth whitening with the help of laser beams or strong lighting, obtained from halogen light directed at them.

Teeth whitening using home remedies

There are many ways to whiten teeth at home by using natural materials usually available in the kitchen, such as sodium bicarbonate, which is used either by dissolving it in water and using it as a gargle that helps clean the gums and dissolve the accumulated pigmentation on the enamel layer, which gives a bright color to yellowish teeth, and can also Mixing sodium bicarbonate with toothpaste and brushing teeth daily with the mixture and over the days the pathological results will appear on the color of the teeth, also sodium percarbonate can be combined with hydrogen hydroxide after diluting it with water with the amount of half a teaspoon of baking soda to form a paste similar in texture to toothpaste and left on the teeth for a minute or two minutes and then washed with abundant water.

Teeth whitening using a special toothpaste

In pharmacies, there is a toothpaste for teeth whitening that contains medical charcoal, not barbecue charcoal, which is extracted from coconut shells or olive pits. It is made in the form of a fine black powder. The charcoal, thanks to its negative electrical charge, has the ability to attract positively charged particles found in toxins, gases and sedimentary substances. Thus, it absorbs and gets rid of them, and this medical paste is a companion to the daily toothpaste and is not used daily, but once or twice a week and with the repetition of the process, the effects will appear in the form of a clear and bright color of the patient’s teeth.

Teeth whitening with teeth whitening stickers

Teeth whitening stickers are the easiest and fastest to use for teeth whitening. They are coated with a special substance for teeth whitening, sodium hydroxide, which targets stains immediately during treatment sessions that last one hour over ten days. One of the advantages of this method is that it is easy and accessible to everyone and there is no obstacles of their use, as they are not an electrical device that requires charging . they are firmly attached to the teeth, and water can be drunk while using them, and it must be used under the supervision of a doctor because the wrong use of these patches may cause sensitivity to the teeth.

Teeth whitening by laser machine

This process is carried out by a dentist or a cosmetic dentist, and the teeth whitening process with a laser device goes through several stages until you get a satisfactory and impressive result. These stages are as follows:
1- The dentist performs a preliminary and careful examination of the patient’s teeth to see if the gums have receded and exposed the root of the tooth, because this may lead to the whitening of your teeth being uneven because the roots of the teeth are resistant to bleaching, and in that case the dentist may offer you an alternative to teeth whitening laser.
2- Based on the previous step, the doctor performs all the required treatments before starting the teeth whitening process so that the bleaching material does not penetrate the cavities of the tooth, if any, and cause damage to the tooth.
3- Now the teeth are ready for the whitening process, where the dentist uses a rubber or plastic protector to keep the mouth open, then puts a barrier on the gums to completely protect them from the whitening gel. After that, the dentist uses a syringe to put the bleaching gel on the patient’s teeth. It is in the form of a pen on the teeth, which leads to the appearance of foam during the removal of stains, then the doctor leaves the gel on the teeth for about a quarter of an hour and then wipes it using a small suction tool, after that the doctor begins to put a new layer of gel and repeats the process three times in order to ensure the success of the whitening process , after the doctor has finished, he rinses your mouth carefully, then gently removes the rubber condom from the patient’s mouth.

Teeth whitening with an electric bleaching device

Teeth whitening with this device is one of the best and easiest ways to whiten teeth. The hydrogen peroxide solution is placed on the front of the teeth with the brush attached to the device and then covered with the mouthpiece, then press the power key and this process takes only eight minutes and is repeated four times a day, and the results can be seen after Five days of treatment.

Teeth whitening using whitening trays

It is one of the very common ways to whiten teeth at home. At first, the patient goes to the dentist to prepare a mold for the teeth according to their measurements. The person takes the mold to his home and puts it in his mouth for several hours a day and can also during sleep, where the bleach is inside the mold, whitening begins Teeth after several days of use, and this method helps to get white teeth for a long time, but it requires repeating it after a year or two, and foods and drinks that contain food coloring and caffeine should be avoided.

These were the best methods of teeth whitening in Turkey that modern medicine has recently reached in order to solve a problem that people are suffering from, which is changing the natural color of the enamel of the teeth due to many factors, so it is possible to return the sparkling color of the teeth and enjoy a bright smile.

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