All you need to know about hair transplantation with the Sapphire technique

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It is well-known that beautiful hair gives a bright and beautiful appearance to a person’s appearance and enhances his sense of self-confidence and gives a pleasant impression of him in the practical and social environment. However, man’s luck with thick hair is a gift from God Almighty, not all people enjoy this blessing, but scientific development continues, which meets the needs of humanity, and pays great attention to the subject. Since 1882 AD, attempts and scientific experiments began for the first hair transplantation process, and many techniques appeared to carry out this process with the highest success rate and the lowest error rate to obtain satisfactory results, and hair transplantation using the Sapphire technique is one of the most important techniques that the science reached in this field, so what is the connection between the Sapphire Stone and hair transplantation?

Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is defined as the process of extracting long hair follicles from densely hairy areas of the human body and re-implanting them in areas of light or less dense hair, the issue of hair transplantation is not limited to men only. Many women also suffer from lack of hair density or absence in certain areas, which may be due to a congenital reason or due to exposure to certain injuries or burns. The process of hair transplantation not only meets cosmetic needs, but also meets medical and therapeutic needs as well.


The most important thing that distinguishes one technique from another is the implantation of hair follicles with high accuracy, quickly and with minimal damage to the receiving skin area, and this is what “Sapphire” ensures, because the sapphire is a very sharp and gentle gemstone at the same time that helps to make very precise holes in the skin without bleeding almost And without causing any irritation or sensitivity to the scalp, in addition to stimulating collagen in the area of ​​the holes, which helps to speed up their healing and recovery.

Hair transplantation with the Sapphire technique

Science has produced many hair transplant techniques that vary in terms of the number of hair follicles that can be transplanted in the various affected areas of the body, hair transplantation using the Sapphire technique has outperformed the rest of the techniques in terms of its ability to transplant the largest number of hair follicles, which amounted to 7000 bulbs per day, which means that the patient gets thicker hair in the fewest number of sessions.

Stages of hair transplantation with the Sapphire technique

1 – A full examination of the patient before the transplantation process to ensure that he does not suffer from chronic diseases that may cause him harmful interference during the hair transplantation process, which is a necessary and inevitable procedure.

2 – After making sure that the patient can perform the hair transplant operation and setting the date of the session, the patient must not take blood thinners the night before the operation and stop eating and drinking early.

3 – On the day of the operation, the patient is given local anesthesia in the follicle donor area in preparation for the extraction process.

4 – Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using micro fue technology and saved in a scientific laboratory method for re-implantation.

5 – The patient is anesthetized again in the receiving area where the extracted follicles will be transplanted.

6 – By the Sapphire technique, the specialist doctor makes very precise holes in the targeted area to receive the live hair follicles that have been extracted and preserved, and the doctor takes into account that these holes are in the direction of hair growth.

7 – Here is the crucial step that the doctor takes, which is to plant hair follicles in those holes by inserting them and fixing them.

8 – Hair is transplanted in all the affected areas, and there is no specific limit to the area of ​​​​the area in which hair transplantation is needed.

Procedures after hair transplantation with the Sapphire technique

The patient feels better within two or three days after the operation, because in the method of FUE hair transplant, hair follicles are taken individually and using special micro-surgical tools without leaving any scars.

Two days after the operation, the patient comes to the center for bandaging and washing, and the patient is taught how to do this process by himself in the subsequent washes.

It is better for the patient to rest in the first days after the hair transplant procedure, so there is no need to stress or do any work that negatively affects the results of the process.

The next day, the bandages are removed, then the patient can return to daily life after the hair transplant operation.

The hair is washed according to a specific program set by the doctor and at deliberate intervals, as the time between the first wash and the last hair wash is approximately ten days.

The patient notices the appearance of dandruff on the scalp, which is removed in the last wash.

Each operation has temporary symptoms, and this is a normal thing. As for the process of hair transplantation with the Sapphire technique, the symptoms will disappear completely after the last wash.

After completing these steps, the transplanted hair will grow naturally and your look will change radically.

Is there a certain age for hair transplantation with the Sapphire technique?

Scientific studies indicate that there is no specific age for hair transplantation, but the important thing in the matter is that there is no preventive health problem such as heart disease, note that not every heart disease prevents hair transplantation, so consulting a specialist cardiologist is the final say in the decision of the patient to perform the operation or not, as information is provided to the doctor about the medicines that will be used in hair transplantation to see how much they affect the patient’s health condition, and then hair transplantation can be performed If the doctor finds it appropriate.

In certain pathological cases, hair transplantation can be performed for children who suffer from congenital anomalies or who have been exposed to certain injuries that led to the loss of the living layer that generates hairs, and hair transplantation can be performed for people who have lost their hair due to burns and accidents in a safe and secure manner and to ensure that satisfactory results are obtained.

What are the contraindications for hair transplantation with the Sapphire technique?

Hair transplantation with the Sapphire technique is not performed in the presence of infectious diseases such as hepatitis and viral infection such as acquired immunodeficiency. In addition, it is forbidden to apply hair transplantation to patients who receive chemotherapy if they suffer from malignant diseases.

It is true that the latest fashions that mimic cases of baldness encourage young people to shave their hair in order to follow fashion and appear in a modern appearance, but thick and tidy hair remains a feature of handsomeness, and here it must be noted that the subject of hair transplantation with the sapphire technique is not limited to being a cosmetic process only. Disturbing sick cases in which intervention for hair transplantation is a necessary procedure and has a positive impact on the psyche of the patient so that he can continue his daily life naturally and with absolute confidence that is reflected in his activities and successes in life.

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