Surgical methods for the treatment of obesity 2022

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Excess weight is a problem that many people suffer from around the world, and it is not only a bad or inappropriate appearance, it causes many health and psychological damage to the individual, so they did not hesitate to search for a way to get rid of this problem, especially if traditional tricks such as following health systems and exercising are unable to fix this problem.

Today, through this article, we present to you all the surgical methods that can treat obesity and restore a slim and harmonious body. We wish you a useful and enjoyable read.

What is meant by obesity surgeries?

Whenever you hear about obesity surgery, know that you have two options, one of which you have to undergo:
First: The first type of obesity surgery is fat removal through skin incisions using the latest and most important technologies.

Second: As for the second option, some changes are made to the digestive system and the stomach is reduced so that the patient cannot eat whatever he wants.

We will now address the second option, which is one of the effective solutions that have proven the feasibility of relying on them, as follows:

1 – Sleeve gastrectomy:

This operation has received many different names, such as cutting the stomach, through which a large part of the stomach may be removed, up to eighty percent of it, and thus the patient can no longer eat completely freely as before, but has become restricted to limited quantities of food and this leads to a significant and fast loss of weight.

2 – Gastric band surgery:

In this type of surgery, the surgeon ties the upper part of the stomach, and the aim is to force the patient to eat a limited amount of food, It is one of the completely safe operations, as it does not affect the stomach’s absorption of food, and after it is performed, the patient does not need to take nutritional supplements.

3 – Gastric bypass surgery:

In this type of surgery, a complete change is made to the nature of the stomach in terms of the nature of its digestion of food and its system of absorption of sugars, as it reduces the patient’s feeling of hunger. The mechanism of this surgery is to remove the food stream and keep it away from the duodenum where food does not come into contact with its membrane.

4 – Gastric balloon operation:

With the development of medicine and cosmetology, the gastric balloon process was invented, which is a light balloon containing liquid placed inside the stomach and inserted from the mouth through the endoscope. It remains inside the stomach for a period of no less than six months. It is distinguished by helping the patient lose about 15 percent of his weight, and one of its most important features is that it does not need surgery like other operations, as well as it does not need a long time and helps the patient to feel full quickly.

Cases that require obesity surgery:

– Perhaps you are wondering about people who need to do obesity surgery, is it suitable for everyone, or are there only certain cases that need it?

– This type of surgery is for those who have a mass of forty kilograms or more.

– It can be performed by those who are under forty kilos but suffer from high blood pressure.

– When there are serious diseases and health problems such as diabetes or cholesterol.

Steps to take before surgery:

Before the operation, the patient must follow the following steps:

1 – The patient must undergo comprehensive examinations to ensure the patient’s hormonal performance.

2 – The patient will receive complete health care, in addition to important advice that he must adhere to.

3 – Imposing restrictions on food, drink and medicine, which must be adhered to.

4 – You must stop smoking completely.

Steps to follow after obesity surgeries:

There are many procedures and steps that must be adhered to after the operation of obesity surgery, which are as follows:

1 – You should not eat anything until at least two days have passed until the stomach is completely healed.

2 – A specific diet must be maintained, and first, you must adhere to eating only fluids, and after eating soft or light foods.

3 – The patient will not be able to eat the food he wants and will be restricted in the amount of food he will eat.

4 – Periodic medical examinations must be maintained in order to ensure the patient’s health and that he does not encounter any defects or problems.

Obesity surgeries in Turkey have been able to achieve excellence and effective and safe results, and this is based on many previous experiences. If you have any questions about this topic, you can contact us so that you can obtain a free examination with the specialist doctor.

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